Sunday, December 4, 2016

Winter Fun for Kids

It's that time of year again when we are stuck indoors for the majority of the time and start to get cabin fever. I have compiled a list of some of my favorite things to do with kiddos during these cold months to keep us from getting bored. A bonus is that they are super cheap-- you may have most of the stuff on hand already!
  • Paint snow. This is a new one I have come across and we love it! All I did was grab some snow from outside, put it on a plate, and combined water + food coloring for the paint.
  • Get a large roll of paper and roll some of it out on the floor to color on. It takes coloring to a new level and the kids love it! You can draw out a city and roads for cars, trace your kids and they can draw their own faces, clothes, etc., or just scribble!
  • Paint rocks
  • Use frog tape on the floor to make a track for cars.
  • Build with toothpicks and marshmallows or gumdrops.
  • Balloon tennis. Either take a paper plate taped to a stick or just use a fly swatter and hit a balloon back and forth to each other.
  • Balloon rockets. Take a straw and run a string through it. Then tie the string between two objects (such as chairs). Blow up a balloon (but be sure not to tie it off) and hold onto it while you tape the balloon to the straw. After it is taped, let go of the balloon and watch it rocket off!
  • Use frog tape on the floor for indoor hopscotch
  • Squirt gun snow painting. Fill a squirt gun with water and food coloring and go out and spray the snow! You can spray out letters or shapes!
  • Bath time for toys. Just fill the sink of bathtub up with soap and water. Hand the kiddos a washcloth and let the fun begin. This doubles as fun for the kids, but also helps you keep up with keeping the toys clean! The kids love to play in water, and including their toys makes it that much more fun. Plus, it keeps them entertained forever-- the more toys the better!
  • Washing dishes. Another one we love that is super simple. Kids LOVE to help with anything, right? Why not ask them to "help" by throwing some (maybe even already clean) dishes in the sink with some soap and water and give them a washcloth. We love using measuring cups as well. We love pouring water from cup to cup.
  • Indoor obstacle course. Use anything you can think of to create something fun! Pillows, frog tape, the couch, chairs/stools, even toys!
  • Indoor croquet. All you really need is some tape, construction (or some type of thicker paper), a ball, and a kids golf club (or anything like it). Cut some strips of paper and tape them to the floor around the room (like a hole).
  • Make a car out of a cardboard box and watch a movie (like a drive-in movie). The kids can help too! You can draw or print out tires, a steering wheel, license plates, etc.
What are things you and your family love to do to beat the winter boredom?! Comment below and I can add them to our list!

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